As it comes to the international motorcycle racing, MotoGP must be the first to come.

ARRC approved by FIM as the ticket to MotoGP is one of the key international games in Asia. In this game, a Taiwan-launched brand that has outsmarted the global competitors defeating the HONDA, YAMAHA, KAWASAKI teams is truly the Honor of Taiwan.

For fairness in the recent games held by FIM, the uniform ECU system is adopted for racing development under the identical ECU norm.  As it comes to MotoGP / Moto 2 and Moto 3, the drive-by-wire systems of Magneti Marelli Italy and Dellorto Italy are adopted, respectively; however, as it comes to ARRC AP250 similar to MotoGP / Moto 3, the drive-by-wire system of aRacer Taiwan is adopted.

In the modified ECU market in Taiwan, aRacer with the top share to the total in Taiwan has been committed to the racing games held in Southeast Asia.
The very first ECU developed specifically for racing was YAMAHA R25 (R3 in Taiwan), making the team without support of the leading brands with vast resources entitled to engine boost amply.
This made the inferior racer to achieve the speed better than the YAMAHA team racers in the linear course.  This drove the YAMAHA technician-in-chief at that point to query the racing team adopting aRacer racing ECU for the cause.

Later, the HONDA team adopts aRacer ECU as well.
In addition to betterment in tuning abilities and precision, support to the racing team is at hand and real time.  The aRacer technician attends each game to deal with the issues on the site for the team.


According to the source, some team technicians personally expressed the aRacer ECU in terms of performance and tuning abilities superior to HRC ECU.

A full series of racing-associated items developed by aRacer enabling the racers and the teams to know the state of the bikes easily include the ECU-embedded GPS logger, iMode with direct data reading and quick shift mechanism.

This trend prevails since not only aRacer ECU is essential to modification for most racing teams but also those without aRacer ECU are left behind in the linear course.
By the end of 2018, aRacer ECU was adopted officially by ARRC AP250 and this was listed in ARRC 2.4.23 stating that the ARRC council is entitled to data download and data tuning to identify violation at any point during the racing period.


The aRacer accessories officially adopted cover RC Super 2, Quick Shift Mechanism, GPS analysis, gyroscope and ARRC logger.


Moreover, according to the specific demands of each team, aRacer racing meter, racing dashcam, air fuel ratio tuning device and fuel supply switch are available as well.

In 2019, aRacer ECU officially adopted by ARRC AP250 is made available to every racing team.

Time to claim ECU

 In addition to AP250, aRacer ECU and drive-by-wire packages are adopted by many UB150 racing teams.

In stop 1 Sepang International Circuit on March 10, 2019, 33 out of 35 bikes adopted aRacer ECU. (This equals to official adoption.)

The aRacer mark were seen here and there on the Malaysian FIM-certified Sepang International Circuit.

R25 for AP250, R6 for SS600 and R1 for ASB1000 are seen on the back panels of the YAMAHA team.  aRacer is seen on each class.  Would this imply RC4 on the way?

aRacer the authentic Taiwan-launched technical team amazing the ARRC racing teams is authentically the Pride of Taiwan.
With the top density of bikes in the world, Taiwan is the most fitted state to develop bike-related industries and it is our anticipation to see more resources invested therein to make the world see the power and vision of Taiwan.